
일상 - 교환학생 붙으면 올릴 나의 영어 일기(1) 본문

독서 일상

일상 - 교환학생 붙으면 올릴 나의 영어 일기(1)

초코맛동산 2025. 2. 17. 00:51


2025.02.17 12:25AM. 

"Feeling nervous about my exchange student interview and phone English class,"


Actually, I'm a little bit nervous. Tomorrow, I have a speaking class on Zoom to improve my English speaking skills. I know I still have a lot to improve in English, but I have to do well...

And in two days, I have an interview for the exchange student program, which will assess my qualifications to see whether I can go abroad. I'm not sure if I can do it.

The worst thing is that I feel like I'm not prepared at all. What a messed-up situation. ^^ 





2025.02.20 21:15PM. 


아악-! 붙었다!!



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